Sunday 2 September 2012

Barry M Berry Icecream and Models Own Indian Ocean

Tonight I went for a simple design. This is Barry M Berry Icecream with Models Own Indian Ocean sponged tips. It's tricky to photograph, as always!

What I used:
  • Essie Trillionails basecoat
  • Barry M Berry Icecream (3 coats)
  • Models Own Indian Ocean sponged on tips
  • Seche Vite topcoat

I also noticed I'm very close to 100 followers here! I never expected to have so many followers after less than a year - thank you all. I also have a staggering 1645 on my Instagram account @shepaintshernails - I can't believe it! Definitely thinking about another giveaway...


  1. wow love this combo.. i have the indian ocean so i might try this.. xx

    1. Thanks! I love Indian Ocean for layering!x

  2. I love it! Indian Ocean is one of my faves.

  3. I really like this gradient look, very pretty!


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