Saturday 1 December 2012

Ciaté Mini Mani Month Day One!

Finally it's December! I got to open the first door of the Ciaté Mini Mani Month calendar that my husband bought me!

If you haven't seen it, the Mini Mani Month is an advent style calendar with mini nail polishes behind each door - what an amazing idea!

What's inside...

As you can see, today's door concealed a beautiful pink polish. This shade is called Cupcake Queen 011 and it's lovely. Fairly sheer, this polish took three coats to cover the nail line. It's pictured with a topcoat of Seche Vite. Lovely. I really lovely Ciate minis. The brush is not much different from a full size polish, and the Ciate formulas are so smooth.

I already can't wait for tomorrow! I can't promise that I'll swatch on time, but I'll do my best to show you the calendar each day!

Oh, and because I'm a spoilt girl, I was also lucky enough to purchase a Latest In Beauty advent calendar (you can still purchase it here) and look what I got in it this morning:

It's a little bottle of Mavala Rouge Rubis polish that's been made into a tree ornament! I love it! Christmas/holiday time should always be full of nail polish! I'm quite excited, because I've never tried a Mavala polish. It's a very holiday appropriate red glitter that I'm looking forward to wearing.

What do you think? Did you get a lovely advent calendar?


Thank you for reading! Please leave me a comment, or tweet me @ViktoriaDeRoy.

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