Wednesday 11 April 2012

Revlon Stunning

Since I am seemingly unable to leave my nails the same for more than 24 hours, I just put a coat of Revlon Stunning on top of last night's manicure...and since I'm also a little addicted to blogging, here are a couple of quick pictures!


  1. Haha, I'm the same way...very pretty combo btw.

  2. Ohhh, that's a really cool combo!!

  3. Just found your blog! So awesome-! Come check out my giveaway!

  4. This is, in fact, stunning. Very pretty!!

  5. This is gorgeous.. I can soo relate to what that "unable to wear the same polish for more than 24 hours".. im the same! seems like everyone is striving for a long lasting polish, but I don't even wear them for that long! .. Your blog is great Im following here and on pinterest :) x

    1. Thank you :) Haha same here, I don't care on whether it's chip resistant or lasts 2 weeks, it won't be on long enough for me to find out! I get annoyed because I think it looks messy after a day ;) Thank you for following!x


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